01/29/2025 7:00 PM AKST
AFF currently has two nominations for the four board of director seats.
Marianne See, current board member whose term expires 03/2025, is willing to continue serving. Marianne’s nomination is supported by AFF members Suzanne Little, Pamela Pope, Shonti Elder. Marianne’s letter of intent is here.
Tim Samuelson, a participant for the last several years with increasing levels of involvement, has also expressed a willingness to serve. Tim’s nomination is supported by AFF members Todd Kelsey, Adrien McVey, Nancy Patterson. Tim’s letter of intent is here.
Hello Anchorage Folk Festival members
Your festival needs you.
We have four board of director positions to fill on AFF’s nine seat board. The board term is three years. There are four officer positions (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer) and five director positions. Officer positions are voted on annually.
The AFF Bylaws (section 8.11) state:
“…the Board shall provide a list of candidates for each Board position to be filled. Nominees may be added to the list by the general membership no later than three (3) days prior to the annual meeting by submitting the nominee’s name supported by three (3) member signatures. Nominees for the Board shall be current members of the Corporation at the time of their nomination.”
The Annual Membership Meeting is at 5:15 PM Saturday February 1 at UAA in the Allied Health Sciences Building in room 106. Nominees are due 3 days prior to the annual meeing (Wednesday January 29), must be current AFF members, and must be supported by the signatures of three current AFF members.
Serving on the board is a fulfilling volunteer position that requires a steady commitment of time, energy, working well with others, and being a great advocate for AFF. A wide range of skill sets are needed to make a well rounded board. The board meets monthly, then biweekly, then weekly as the festival approaches. Board members take on many roles for the festival and the membership, and have a strong responsibility for engaging in fund raising through grant seeking, and landing corporate donations and ad placements in the festival program.
At the Annual Membership Meeting the membership will have an opportunity to vote on board applicants.
BUT – We need board candidates to present to the membership.
Please review the Bylaws here: https://anchoragefolkfestival.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/By-Laws.pdf
Your current board is here: https://anchoragefolkfestival.org/board/
If you are willing to consider serving, please fill out this form, or reach out to folks@anchoragefolkfestival.org